A Small Business Consulting Partner

We help you grow your business 

Helping you with..
Tax & Accounting Sales & Marketing Software implementation Web Development Working Capital

Welcome to PLAID agency

Our company offers a range of services including sales and email automation, credit repairing, sales marketing, automations, and business consultancy. We are committed to providing personalized solutions that help our clients grow their businesses and improve their financial health. Our team consists of experienced professionals who are passionate about helping others achieve their goals. We are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and leveraging the latest technology to deliver innovative solutions that drive results.

Technology Partners:

+ 0 %
Increase in leads

Clients Feedback

My email subscribers increased very significantly. The results speak for themselves!

J. Smith

Consulting Services

Accounting & Finance

Working Capital

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Sales & Marketing

Revenue Operations

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Software implementation

Tech stacks

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Website Development

Dev Ops

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Business Consultancy

It may involve providing guidance and expertise to businesses in areas such as financial planning.


Customer Segment

Services likely involve developing & implementing marketing strategies to help businesses promote.


Automation Services

Sales & email automation services likely involve using software tools to streamline the sales process.

Pldagency's Mision

Our mission is to help businesses and individuals achieve their goals by providing customized sales and marketing strategies, credit repairing services, and business consulting services. We strive to deliver exceptional value and outstanding customer service through our team of experienced professionals and cutting-edge technology.

  • Our company’s values: You can list the values that guide your company’s operations, such as integrity, innovation, collaboration, and customer-centricity.

  • Target audience: Describe the type of clients or customers you serve, such as small businesses, startups, or individuals with credit issues.

  • Competitive advantage: Explain what sets your company apart from other providers in your industry, such as your expertise, technology, or customer service.

  • Success stories: Share some examples of how your services have helped clients achieve their goals, such as increasing sales, improving credit scores, or optimizing business processes.

  • Partnerships: If you have any partnerships or affiliations with other businesses or organizations, you can mention them and explain how they benefit your clients.

  • Social responsibility: If your company is committed to social or environmental causes, you can highlight your initiatives and how you contribute to making a positive impact in your community or the world.

  • Future plans: You can also mention any plans or goals you have for the future, such as expanding your services, entering new markets, or investing in research and development.

Marketing solutions are strategies and techniques used to promote products, services, or brands to a target audience with the goal of generating interest, awareness, and sales.

  • Digital marketing: This involves using digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and websites to reach and engage with potential customers. Digital marketing solutions can include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media advertising, email marketing, and website design and development.

  • Content marketing: This involves creating and sharing valuable and relevant content such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and e-books to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. Content marketing solutions can include content strategy, content creation, and content distribution.

  • Social media marketing: This involves using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote products or services and build brand awareness. Social media marketing solutions can include social media strategy, social media advertising, and social media management.

Marketing Solution

Frequently Asked Questions

We Always Create Successful Campaigns

We work with a wide range of businesses, from small startups to large corporations.

What kind of businesses or individuals do you work with?

We work with a range of businesses, from small startups to established enterprises, as well as individuals who are looking to improve their financial health.

What services do you offer?

We offer sales and email automation, credit repairing services, sales marketing, automations, and business consultancy services. We can also provide customized solutions to meet our clients' specific needs.

How much do your services cost?

Our pricing varies depending on the type and scope of services needed. We provide customized quotes for each client based on their specific requirements.

How long does it take to see results?

The timeframe for seeing results varies depending on the type of service and the client's specific goals. We work closely with our clients to set realistic expectations and provide regular updates on progress.

How experienced is your team?

Our team consists of experienced professionals with expertise in sales and marketing, credit repair, automation, and business consultancy. We have a proven track record of delivering results for our clients.

Do you offer ongoing support?

Yes, we offer ongoing support to ensure our clients continue to see results and achieve their goals. We provide regular check-ins, optimization, and updates as needed.

We Have Some Successful Plans

Website Optimization

Website optimization can also involve search engine.

Content Marketing

A strategic marketing approach for your needs.

Search Engine Marketing

By using SEM we increase website traffic.

Email Marketing

We increase client reach using email marketing.

Digital Advertising

We advice digital advertising through different aspects.

Social Media Marketing

Improve client reach form social media marketing

eCommerce Marketing

Also, we offer marketing for an E-commerce store.

Remarketing & Analytic

Our team analyzes the market & find the best result.

Conversion Optimization

By improving the website to take the desired action.

Multimedia & Design

For more client reach we also offer multimedia service.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is the most important part to get reach.

Reputation Management

We practice & monitor the online reputation.

Grow your business. Faster.


Recent Case Studies

Brand activation

Social Media Marketing for Pigeon & Duck Brand

Email Marketing

Dolphin Increased 250% Subscribers in 2 Months


Expanding the Reach and Online Presence for Aida

Technology Partners:

An explanation of what business consultancy is and how it can benefit.


Lionel De La Torre
pld agency
1657 federal ave Apt #1
CA, Los Angeles, 90025
United States.


Copyright ©2023 PLAID Agency – All right reserved.

An explanation of what business consultancy is and how it can benefit.


Lionel De La Torre
pld agency
1657 federal ave Apt #1
CA, Los Angeles, 90025
United States.

Email us or click on the little bubble to connect.

Copyright ©2023 PLD Agency – All rights reserved.

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